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Indie No More

Hey friends, life moves fast and some things just can't be handled all on our own. I am completely transparent with you and always will be.

I am the most productive I've ever been in the studio, and the fire for hardstyle music burns just as bright as it always did. Due to recent advances in my career though, I need to put my indie adventure on hold. Signal Strike Music © is, as of now, no more. There's so many aspects of this venture, and it is crucial that I direct all focus I have left entirely onto the music itself.

All of this is mostly good news for you and me. I reclaim ownership of my time and you get completely free, unfettered access to all the music I've made in this first year! Every one of my channels and this website will remain fully operational for the next musical expression.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who reposted, cheered on, and supported in any other way what I was trying to achieve. I walk out of this business and personal experiment with many, many warm feelings, valuable lessons, and a lot of confidence and hope.

Here's to a big, bright future!

Much love,